
在澳洲很常見所謂慢性肺阻塞(COPD)的病人,有些病人在復健期間也同時接受氧氣治療(Oxygen Therapy). 因此, 物理治療師在心肺訓練期間,對於氧氣的給予和觀測病人的受氧程度和狀態就十分重要.


Under normal circumstances, a rise in CO2 will be detected by the central chemoreceptors in the body and they will alert the respiratory centre to increase respiration. However, in the presence of chronic CO2 retention the CO2 regulation of respiration is diminished. Instead, peripheral chemoreceptors take over control of respiratory drive through detection of low oxygen concentrations of PaO2. Therefore, a patient with hypoxic drive needs a low PaO2 to maintain their respiratory drive. Administration of oxygen to these patients may suppress their respiratory drive.

Therefore in patients with COPD, an acceptable goal for oxygen delivery is an FiO2 titrated for a PaO2 range between 60 - 70 mmHg or SpO2 88 – 92%.

(Reference: Queensland Government- Clinical Skills Development Service)

簡單翻譯+補充如下: 正常狀態中,人體的呼吸中樞會依照體內CO2濃度來改變適合的呼吸狀態. 然而,慢性肺阻塞的病人,因為體內本身已滯留過多的二氧化碳,導致此中樞調節系統作用減弱. 在這種狀況下, 周邊的化學感受器開始主導呼吸調節,利用感測低氧氣濃度來刺激呼吸. 因此,一旦病人接受氧氣治療,而氧氣治療濃度過高時,就容易導致周邊化學感受器的調節失靈,因此呼吸過慢,導致Hypercapnic narcosis.) 

所以,物理治療師要隨時注意, 病人的目標SpO2應該在: 88-92%安全範圍內!


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